Variables Frequency %
Ever breast fed child Yes 723 98.5
No 11 1.5
Time for initiation of  Breast Feeding (n=723) Within 1hour 523 71.3
Within 24 hours 194 26.4
More than 24 hours 6 .8
Child received pre-lacteal feeds (n=723) Yes 137 18.9
No 586 81.1
 Child  fed colostrums (n=723) Yes 644 89.1
No 79   10.9
 Duration of breastfeeding (n=723) Less than 12 months 171 23.7
12 - 24 months 474 65.6
More than 24 months 78 10.8
Age complementary food started At 6 months 501 68.3
Before and  after 6months 233 31.7
Cup for feeding Yes 260 35.4
No 474 64.6
Spoon  for feeding Yes 697 95.0
No 37   5.0
Hand for feeding Yes 548 74.7
No 186 25.3
Bottle for feeding Yes 364 49.6
No 370 50.4
Table 3: Dietary characteristics of children among 6 to 59 Months in Hossana town, Southern Ethiopia, 2013 (n=734).
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