Segment 1
n = 745, should = 62%
Segment 2
n = 723, should = 65%
Segment 3
n = 725, should = 70%
Predictor B SE p OR 95% CI B SE p OR 95% CI B SE p OR 95% CI
Unmarried (married) - 0.67 .16 < .001 0.51 [0.38, 0.70] - 0.74 .17 < .001 0.48 [0.35, 0.66] - 0.96 .18 < .001 0.38 [0.27, 0.54]
No children  (had children) 0.06 .16 .725 1.06 [0.78, 1.44] 0.00 .17 .987 1.00 [0.73, 1.39] - 0.09 .18 .614 0.92 [0.65, 1.29]
Parents’ unsupportive (supportive)           - 0.85 .17 < .001 0.43 [0.31, 0.59] - 0.50 .18 .004 0.61 [0.43, 0.85]
Soldier died in combat (died bungee-jumping)                     0.04 .18 .822 1.04 [0.74, 1.47]
Deceased’s wishes unknown (verbal consent)                     - 0.89 .21 < .001 0.41 [0.27, 0.63]
Deceased’s wishes unknown (written consent)                     - 0.86 .21 < .001 0.42 [0.28, 0.64]
Deceased consented verbally (written consent)                     - 0.03 .23 .901 0.97 [0.62, 1.53]
Respondent characteristics                              
Age - 0.00 .01 .784 1.00 [0.99, 1.01] 0.00 .01 .979 1.00 [0.99, 1.01] - 0.00 .01 .879 1.00 [0.99, 1.01]
Education - 0.10 .07 .162 0.91 [0.79, 1.04] - 0.07 .07 .339 0.93 [0.81, 1.08] 0.01 .08 .893 1.01 [0.87, 1.18]
Income - 0.14 .07 .037 0.87 [0.77, 0.99] - 0.10 .07 .168 0.91 [0.80, 1.04] - 0.02 .07 .836 0.99 [0.86, 1.13]
Male (female) 0.15 .17 .353 1.17 [0.84, 1.61] - 0.11 .17 .518 0.90 [0.64, 1.25] - 0.14 .18 .457 0.87 [0.61, 1.25]
Never been married (has been married) - 0.02 .31 .938 0.98 [0.54, 1.78] 0.10 .32 .748 1.11 [0.59, 2.08] 0.01 .35 .983 1.01 [0.51, 2.00]
Never been widowed (has been widowed) - 0.37 .28 .179 0.69 [0.40, 1.18] - 0.26 .29 .374 0.77 [0.44, 1.36] 0.23 .29 .426 1.26 [0.71, 2.24]
Never had children (has had children) 0.35 .24 .146 1.42 [0.89, 2.28] 0.51 .26 .047 1.66 [1.01, 2.75] 0.50 .28 .075 1.64 [0.95, 2.84]
Religiosity - 0.23 .09 .007 0.79 [0.67, 0.94] - 0.23 .09 .012 0.79 [0.66, 0.95] - 0.38 .10 < .001 0.69 [0.56, 0.84]
Catholic (no preference) - 0.40 .49 .413 0.67 [0.26, 1.74] 0.27 .46 .563 1.31 [0.53, 3.24] 0.45 .50 .368 1.57 [0.59, 4.15]
Jewish (no preference) 0.34 .76 .655 1.40 [0.32, 6.16] 0.95 .82 .247 2.58 [0.52, 12.77] 0.07 .75 .927 1.07 [0.25, 4.68]
Protestant (no preference) - 0.49 .48 .305 0.61 [0.24, 1.56] 0.13 .45 .770 1.14 [0.47, 2.76] 0.32 .49 .510 1.38 [0.53, 3.56]
Note: Reference category in parentheses. CI = confidence interval for odds ratio (OR).
Table 2: Logistic Regression Predicting Whether Retrieval of Deceased Husband’s Gametes Should be Allowed.
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