Sample IR band n (cm-1) Band Assignment Reference
SCBR 3421.726 O-H stretching vibration in alcohol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
2922.714 asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of methylene group [17]
1630.428 C=O stretching vibration in quinones [18]
1726.53 esters of acetic, carboxyl groups, p-coumeric, ferulic and uronic acids that are the main constituents of hemi-cellulose [19]
2128.153 C=C stretching vibration [20]
1513 lignin esters that is stable band in all lignin structure [21]
1252.11 C-O stretching vibration of aryl group in lignin [22]
1380.84 in plane bending vibration of (C-H) in methyl group [17]
1048 C-O contribution in glycosidic linkage [23]
604-666 plane deformation vibration of C-H groups located at the edge of aromatic planes [24]
SCBC 3424.137 O-H stretching vibration in alchol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
2919.822 asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of methylene group [17]
1559.713 C=O stretching vibration [25]
1386.144 in plane bending vibration of (C-H) in methyl group [17]
1106.504 C-O stretching in phenols, alcohols, acids, ethers and esters. [26]
SCBACS 3427.994 O-H stretching vibration in alcohol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
2921.268 asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of methylene group [17]
1557.785 C=O stretching vibration [25]
1383.31 in plane bending vibration of (C-H) in methyl group [17]
1098.308 C-O stretching in phenols, alcohols, acids, ethers and esters [26]
SCBACS-Ph 3434.744 O-H stretching vibration in alcohol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
1631.522 C=O stretching vibration in quiones [18]
SCBACN 3427.944 O-H stretching vibration in alcohol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
2919.822-2851.358 asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of methylene group [17]
1578.99 C=O stretching vibration [27]
1384.215 in plane bending vibration of (C-H) in methyl group [17]
1117.11 R-OH group [28]
1034.184 C-O stretching vibration of ether and alcohol [29]
SCBACN-Ph 3430.887 O-H stretching vibration in alcohol, phenol and adsorbed H2O in cellulosic materials [12]
1627.694 C=O stretching vibration in quinones [18]
SCBR= sugar cane bagasse residues
SCBC= carbonized sugar cane bagasse
SCBACS= steam activated sugar cane bagasse based activated carbon
SCBACS-Ph= Phenol loaded steam activated sugar cane bagasse based activated carbon
SCBACN= NaOH activated sugar cane bagasse based activated carbon
SCBACS-Ph= Phenol loaded NaOH activated sugar cane bagasse based activated carbon
Table 2: Infrared spectral data of SCB, SCBC, SCBACS and SCBACN.
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