Retention time (min)1 PAA (AU) Height (AU) Capacity factor (K´) Theoretical plates (N) Resolution (Rs) Peak asymmetry factor (As) Selectivity factor (ȴ)
Day 1 3.035 257.86 55.09 7.62 10561 7.91 0.89 1.45
  2 3.034 263.41 55.27 7.47 10749 7.53 0.86 1.45
  3 3.035 255.99 55.20 7.48 10850 7.89 0.92 1.45
  4 3.034 253.12 55.21 9.18 10747 7.91 0.88 1.46
  5 3.035 258.70 55.88 7.36 10752 7.7 0.9 1.46
Mean ± SD   3.035 ± 0.001 257.8 ± 3.8 55.3 ± 0.3 7.482 ± 0.092 10731.8 ± 104.9 7.788 ± 0.169 0.890 ± 0.022 1.454 ± 0.005
COV   0.018 1.470 0.568 1.234 0.978 2.172 2.512 0.377
1The retention time for the unresolved peak is 0.357 ± 1.33 SD. Abbreviations: AU, absorbance unit
Table 5: System suitability testing for the HPLC assay for the determination of L-AA in food and beverage products.
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