Detected Molecule [Ref.] Detection Method Separation Technique Sensitivity/ Quantification Advantages and Disadvantages
Methods employing radioactively labeled amino acids
[16,17] Ninhydrin staining/ Scintillation Paper electrophoresis High/Yes (+) low amount of substrate
(-) requires synthetic steps to prepare substrate or usesĀ  acetylated aminoacyl-tRNA
[18,19] Scintillation Centrifugation High/Yes (+) low amount of substrate
(-) requires synthetic steps to prepare substrate or uses acetylated aminoacyl-tRNA
Methods employing electrophoretic separation of tRNA
tRNA [22,23] [32P]-ATP
(Northern blot)
PAGE High/Yes (+) allows use of specific and heterogeneous substrates
(-) time consuming
(-) requires short peptide length
tRNA [24,25] Methylene blue
Silver staining
PAGE Moderate/Yes
(+) allows use of specific and heterogeneous substrates
(+) fast
(-) sensitivity
(-) requires short peptide length
Methods employing fluorescently labeled amino acids
(conjugated to peptide)
[29] Fluorescence SDS-PAGE High/Yes (+) sensitivity
(-) involves extra step of fluorophore conjugation
(conjugated to amino acid)
[26] Fluorescence anisotropy
(HPLC)a High/Yes (+) sensitivity
(+) high throughput
(-) involves extra step of fluorophore conjugation
(-) uses aminoacyl-tRNA substrate
aHPLC with a fluorescent readout was used to validate the enzymatic hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA while fluorescence anisotropy was used for determining the activity of Pth1.
Table 1: Summary of methods for analysis of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis presented here.
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