
dose per kg, carrier
No. of animals In vivo emission peak time [h] Irradiation lag [h] Photosensitizer
level in tumor
Tumor response
to PDT


i.v. 2 mg, PBS+Cremophore 4 0.62 0.5 high high
i.v. 2 mg, PBS+Cremophore 5 0.62 3 – 4 medium medium
i.v. 2 mg, PBS 7 1.95 3 – 4 low low


i.p. 10 mg, PBS 5 3.28 3 – 4 high high


i.v. 2 mg, PBS+Cremophore 5 0.80 1.5 – 3 high medium
i.v. 2 mg, PBS 6 0.79 1.5 – 3 medium low
i.p. 10 mg, PBS 4 1.44 1.5 – 3 high medium


PBS 12 0.5 – 3
Table 1: Experimental conditions and outcome of various PDT protocols based on the in vivo monitoring of photosensitizer level in tumor (see the text for details).
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