Compound Q1 first mass Q3 first mass Capillary (V) Collision Energy (V)
MOR 286.3 286.3 70.9 6.0
286.3 201.2 70.9 15.0
M3G, M6G 462.2 462.2 32.9 5.0
462.2 286.1 32.9 27.5
MOR-D3 289.1 289.1 80.0 5.5
289.1 200.9 80.0 17.0
M3G-D3, M6G-D3 465.5 465.5 32.9 5.0
465.5 289.1 32.9 25.5
6-MAM 328.4 328.4 75.0 5.0
328.4 165.1 75.0 31.5
Table 2: MRM transitions of each analyte and corresponding IS.
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