Name Formula m/z Score (DB)
1 Undecanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-, (S)- C11H22O3 225.146 86.55
2 Sugetriol C15H24O3 253.1808 81.89
3 Sapelin A C30H50O4 475.3792 76.7
4 Proclavaminic acid C8H14N2O4 203.1029 78.55
5 Phosphatidyl glycerol C6H15O8P 269.0385 81.53
6 PGH2-EA C23H39NO4 416.2772 89.45
7 Lauryl hydrogen sulfate C12H26O4S 267.1628 75.88
8 Ivermectin B1b C47H72O14 861.5023 90.92
9 Dihydrojasmonic Acid, Methyl Ester C13H22O3 227.1631 82.7
10 dexpanthenol C9H19NO4 223.1647 78.87
11 Decanoic acid, 9-hydroxy-, (R)-; (-)-(R)-9-Hydroxydecanoic acid; D-9-Hydroxydecanoic acid C10H20O3 211.1296 86.46
12 Cycluron C11H22 N2O 221.1626 87.43
13 Chrysanthetriol C15H26O3 255.1958 82.66
14 Arachidic acid(d3) C20H37D3O2 316.3285 92.13
15 AAPH C8H18N6 199.1671 90.99
16 9-Tridecynoic acid C13H22O2 211.169 85.89
17 9-Methyl-undecanoic acid C12H24O2 223.1679 82.59
18 8Z-Undecenyl acetate C13H24O2 213.1847 99.55
19 8-oxo-3,7-Dimethyl-6E-octenyl acetate C12H20O3 213.1483 76.71
20 7-oxo-11E,13-Tetradecadienoic acid C14H22O3 239.1636 75.14
21 4-Imidazolone-5-acetate C5H6N2O3 165.0265 79.57
22 4-Heptyloxyphenol C13H20O2 209.1532 80.4
23 4,4',alpha-Trihydroxy-2'-methoxydihydrochalcone C16H16O5 311.0888 80.34
24 4-(Glutamylamino) butanoate C9H16N2O5 233.1135 98.78
25 2-Nor-1,3-seco-1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 C26H44O3 427.3178 88.2
26 23,23-difluoro-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 / 23,23-difluoro-25-hydroxycholecalciferol C27H42F2O2 454.3498 83.38
27 (6S,9R)-Vomifoliol C13H20O3 225.1474 81.21
28 (3S,7R)-iso-jasmonic acid C12H18O3 211.1321 83.5
29 (+)-trans-alpha-Irone C14H22O 207.1734 83.18
Table 1: Identified compounds from sample SD.
The formulas listed here were provided by searching against the METLIN database. The scores were obtained by compare the molecular features of the compounds in the sample against those in the database. The higher score represents the higher possibility of the match with the mass feature of the compound in the database.
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