Treatment regiment Follow up period (months) Results Ref
*v-PDT 12 VA improved (15 letters or more) in AMD and PCV by 6% and 25%, respectively. Fluorescein leakage was suppressed in 86% of PCV and 61% of AMD eyes, respectively. [153]
*v-PDT 24 VA preserved or improved in 79% of eyes. Recurrence of polypoidal lesions in 64% of eyes. An abnormal branching vascular network persisted in all subjects. [72]
v-PDT 19.2 Regression of the polypoidal lesions observed in 94% of eyes. The branching vascular network remained in all eyes. [154]
*v-PDT 12 Significantly better response to v-PDT in terms of VA improvement and effect durability. [69]
**v-PDT 12 Significantly lower v-PDT frequency and greater improvement in the visual acuity than AMD. [70]
*v-PDT 12 The visual acuity improved in 56.3% of patients, remained the same in 31.3%, and decreased in 12.5% and. No patient had any long lasting complication after the treatment. [68]
*v-PDT 36 75% of the treated eyes had no significant loss of vision, and 14.8% showed significant improvement in visual acuity. [65]
*v-PDT 60 Mean VA letter score loss is similar between patients with AMD (-7.25) and with PCV (-5.36) at the month 60examination. Significantly more frequent retreatments in the years 3 and 4 than patients with AMD. [155]
*v-PDT+ranibizumab 0.5 mg 12 Complete regression of polypoidal lesions in combination therapy group. [119]
*v-PDT+ranibizumab 0.5 mg 12 The mean BCVA change from baseline was +12.3 letters. 58.3% of patients had a BCVA gain of 15 letters or more. All patients underwent regression of polyps without recurrence. [156]
*v-PDT+bevacizumab 1.25 mg 12 Lower rate of post v-PDT hemorrhage. Recurrence rate was unchanged. [157]
ranibizumab 0.5 mg+*v-PDT 12 Improved VA and reduced exudation. [158]
**v-PDT+ bevacizumab 1.25 mg 12 Improved VA in 56% treated eyes. [73]
*standard fluence: 50 J/cm2, 600 mw/cm2 at 689 nm;
**reduced fluence: 25 J/cm2 for 70 sec, 300 mW/cm2 at 689 nm;
BCVA: best corrected visual acuity;
v-PDT: Visudyne®-photodynamic therapy.
Table 2: Summary of clinical trials with v-PDT alone or in combination with other treatment modalities in PCV patients.
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