Laboratory A B C D E F G H I J K L
  LC 2795     (Waters) Acquity UPLC (Waters) Acquity UPLC (Waters) 1200 Series (Agilent) Nexera (Shimadzu) Alliance 2695 (Waters) 2795 (Waters) Acquity UPLC (Waters)  1100 Series (Agilent) 1100 Series (Agilent) Acquity UPLC (Waters) Prominence (Shimadzu)
  MS/MS Quattro Premier XE (Waters) TQD      (Waters) Quattro Premier XE (Waters) QTRAP 3200 (ABsciex) API 4000 (ABsciex) Quattro Micro (Waters)  Quattro Premier XE (Waters) TQD (Waters) QTRAP 4000 (ABsciex) API 3000 (ABsciex) Quattro Premier XE (Waters) TSQ Quantum Discovery MAX (Thermofisher)
NIV Precursor ion (m/z) 371 [M+CH3COO]-
Product ion (m/z)1 281 281 281 59 281 281 281 311 59 59 281 281
DON Precursor ion (m/z) 355 [M+CH3COO]-
Product ion (m/z)2 59 295 265 295, 59 265, 59 59 265 59 59 59 265 295
ZEA Precursor ion (m/z) 317 [M-H]-
Product ion (m/z)3 131 131 175 131 175 175 175 131 131 131 175 131
T-2 Precursor ion (m/z) 484 [M+NH4]+
Product ion (m/z)4 215 305 305 215, 185 305 305 305 305 215 215 305 305
HT-2 Precursor ion (m/z) 442 [M+NH4]+
Product ion (m/z)5 263 263  263, 215 263 215 263 263 263 263 263 215 263
VEL Precursor ion (m/z) 325 [M+CH3COO]-
Product ion (m/z) 59
Precursor ion (m/z) 284 [M+NH4]+
Product ion (m/z) 249, 231
ZAN Precursor ion (m/z) 319 [M-H]-
Product ion (m/z) 205, 275
1In addition to the product ion selected in each laboratory for quantification, any of the other product ions (59, 281, and 311) was used as the qualifier ion properly
2 In addition to the product ion selected in each laboratory for quantification, any of the other product ions (59, 265, and 295) was used as the qualifier ion properly
3 In addition to the product ion selected in each laboratory for quantification, any of the other product ions 131 and 175) was used as the qualifier ion properly
4In addition to the product ion selected in each laboratory for quantification, any of the other product ions (185, 215, and 305) was used as the qualifier ion properly
5In addition to the product ion selected in each laboratory for quantification, any of the other product ions (215 and 263) was used as the qualifier ion properly
Table 3: LC-MS/MS instruments and parameters used in each laboratory
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