Analyte Matrix (mg/kg) No. of laboratories Valid/Outliers Mean (mg/kg) Mean recovery (%) Repatability SD           [Sr] Repatability relative SD [RSDr, %] Reproducibility SD    [SR] Reproducibility relative SD [RSDR, %] HorRat
NIV Wheat (40) 11/1 43.4 108.5 3.3 7.6 5.5 17.1 0.8
Wheat (100) 11/1 111.0 111.0 5.5 4.9 24.3 21.9 1.0
Wheat (1000) 12/0 1014.6 101.5 45.9 4.5 169.1 16.7 1.0
Barley (40) 10/2 50.8 127.0 5.9 11.7 10.3 20.2 0.9
Barley (100) 10/2 118.7 118.7 6.1 5.1 22.0 18.6 0.8
Barley (1000) 10/2 1009.1 100.9 74.6 7.4 119.0 11.8 0.7
DON Wheat (40) 12/0 37.4 93.5 4.0 10.6 8.0 21.4 1.0
Wheat (100) 12/0 92.4 92.4 5.8 6.3 17.0 18.4 0.8
Wheat (1000) 12/0 955.4 95.5 64.1 6.7 140.7 14.7 0.9
Barley (40) 10/2 39.3 98.3 4.2 10.6 5.3 13.4 0.6
Barley (100) 11/1 96.7 96.7 10.1 10.4 19.3 20.0 0.9
Barley (1000) 12/0 997.6 99.8 85.4 8.6 142.8 14.3 0.9
ZEA Wheat (8) 12/0 8.5 106.3 0.6 6.8 1.2 14.6 0.7
Wheat (20) 12/0 22.3 111.5 0.9 4.1 3.1 14.0 0.6
Wheat (1000) 12/0 1017.2 101.7 67.2 6.6 119.4 11.7 0.7
Barley (8) 11/1 7.7 96.3 0.5 6.9 1.1 13.7 0.6
Barley (20) 11/1 20.0 100.0 1.8 8.8 2.6 12.9 0.6
Barley (1000) 11/1 1073.6 107.4 58.0 5.4 133.8 12.5 0.8
HT-2 Wheat (8) 11/0* 8.2 102.5 0.7 9.0 2.5 30.5 1.4
Wheat (20) 12/0 20.7 103.5 1.9 9.2 7.5 36.5 1.7
Wheat (200) 11/1 193.4 96.7 13.4 6.9 61.4 31.7 1.6
Barley (8) 11/0* 7.0 87.5 0.9 12.4 2.3 32.2 1.5
Barley (20) 12/0 17.7 88.5 1.7 9.4 4.6 25.9 1.2
Barley (200) 11/1 165.1 82.6 14.4 8.7 39.2 23.7 1.1
T-2 Wheat (8) 12/0 8.3 103.8 0.9 10.9 1.7 20.8 0.9
Wheat (20) 12/0 20.0 100.0 1.2 6.0 4.8 23.7 1.1
Wheat (200) 12/0 198.3 99.2 42.9 21.6 50.7 25.6 1.3
Barley (8) 12/0 7.3 91.3 1.0 14.1 2.6 34.8 1.6
Barley (20) 12/0 17.6 88.0 3.4 19.0 5.9 33.5 1.5
Barley (200) 12/0 179.3 89.7 12.4 6.9 66.0 36.8 1.8
T-2 Naturally contaminated wheat (111) 11/0* 130.4 117.5 7.2 5.5 36.5 28.0 1.3
*One participant did not report the data
Table 5: Harmonized collaborative validation results of LC-MS/MS determination of NIV, DON, ZEA, HT-2, and T-2 in wheat and barley.
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