Calculation Method Lineweaver-Burk Hofstee
Absmax 0.0254 0.0249
Michaelis Menten constant (KM) 0.313 mM 0.301 mM
Formula 1/v = -12.385 1/[S] + 39.45 [S] / v = 40.109 [S] -12.083
Absmax calculation Absmax = 1/c
Absmax = 1/39.45
Absmax = 0.0254
Absmax = 1/m
Absmax = 1/40.19
Absmax = 0.0249
KM calculation KM = m × Absmax
KM = 12.385 × 0.0254
KM = 0.313 mM
KM = c × Absmax
KM = 12.03 × 0.0249
KM = 0.301 mM
Table 1: Comparison of calculation methods for KM and Absmax based on Lineweaver-Burk and Hofstee equations.
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