Simone Mendonca

Simone Mendonca

Researcher at Embrapa Agroenergy, Brasilia, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the State University of Londrina (UEL), Masters in Food Science and Technology - Universiteit Gent (1997), Masters in Food Sciences from UEL and Ph.D. in Public Health (emphasis in nutrition biochemistry) from USP. She is currently a researcher at Embrapa in the area of ​​Use of Co-products and Residues and Biomass Characterization, working mainly on the following topics: use of agro-industrial residues and biodiesel co-products, detoxification of oilseed cake (Jatropha, cotton); and in the oil palm, macaúba, coconut-green, mushroom and algae chains with a focus on bioactive compounds and carotenoids.