
Root Coverage with a New Collagen Matrix and Coronally Advanced Flap: A Case Report

Paulo Sergio Henriques

Background: Gingival recession is a frequent finding in patients. The connective tissue graft plus coronally advanced flap (CTG+CAF) is considered the gold standard for root coverage therapy. An alternative option, both avoiding the need for palatal donor tissue and allograft material, is the use of collagen matrix (CM) of porcine origin.

Methods: The aim of this report is to describe a surgicalutilizing collagenmatrix plus coronally advanced flap (CM+CAF) in a 3 mm buccal gingival recession associated to traumatic brushing in the maxillary left canine. The goal of treatment was determines if a CM with CAF might be as effective in the root coverage procedure of Miller?s class I recession defect.

Results: Gradual surgical healing with minimal postoperative morbidity and very slight discomfort was observed at 1 week. The clinical observation at 12-months revealed complete root coverage with an adequate zone of keratinized tissue with good healing, color, and texture nicely at the native adjacent soft tissues.

Conclusions: Patient satisfaction and esthetics was very high. The results seem to suggest that CM+CAF can provide a valid treatment procedure in root coverage. Moreover, it has shown a significant reduction in surgery time, maintenance of marginal tissue health, and mainly patient morbidity without the graft harvest.