
Unusual Root Staining of the Third Molars in a Patient Exposed to Lead and Tetracycline

Raid Sadda and Ayad Sadda

Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to evaluate a root stain, and to determine its composition when an individual has been exposed to multiple factors. The main goal of this particular study is to determine if it is the use of tetracycline or the exposure to lead which may have caused the staining of multiple roots.

Introduction: Undetermined root-staining in a 21 year old male exposed to multiple environmental factors; specifically lead and tetracycline.

Discussion and conclusion: A history of exposure to multiple contaminants, such as lead and tetracycline, may obscure the accuracy of a diagnosis, especially when it is well-known that these particular contaminants stain the root of an individual?s teeth in a similar fashion. Patients with stained teeth and a history of exposure to environmental or ingested potentially staining or noxious elements (like lead) should have a blood test to determine its presence, and further be treated for level-specific quantities.