Bio-gas an emerging technology in rural area of Nepal
Global Biofuels & Bioproducts Summit
November 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA

Er. Chiranjibi Bhattarai

AcceptedAbstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol


Bio-gas is one of the sources of renewal energy. The use of Bio-gas in developing countries like Nepal needs high investment for plant construction, well trained technicians and good post-installing services. The fast rate of forest destruction and low rate of reforestation has simultaneously reduced the availability of firewood. So, Biogas is considered one of the cheapest renewable energies in rural areas in Nepal. Production of Biogas would not only save firewood but also be beneficial for integrated farming system by converting manure to an improved fertilizer for crops. Biogas system also helps in elimination of smoke in home. Biogas is closely related with ecological sanitation also. To some extent, problems of energy shortage have been solved and environmental management and ecological protection have been promoted with the technical development of Bio-gas. With the global pressure to reduce GHG emission Biogas technology in Nepalese society is gaining popularity. The Biogas have significant potentiality of carbon mitigation, which potentially reduce GHG emission through replacement of kerosene or and diesel. Biogas technology in Nepal has changed the Socio-economic status of rural people specially women. Construction of Biogas has saved their time in burning firewood. They are able to participate in social work. So, Biogas seems to be an ? alternate solution for growing energy demand in Nepal ?.

Biography :

Er. Chiranjibi Bhattarai has completed his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Pokhara University in Nepal. He is the Energy and Environment officer in Alternative Energy Promotion Center(AEPC).Since five years on behalf of AEPC he has regularly working in District Development Committee ,Gulmi, an authorized body of Ministry of Local Development Nepal. He has been participating in different national and international conference of rural energy held in Nepal