Prevalence of metallo-β-lactamase producing bacteria in intensive care unit in Thi-qar province, Iraq
3rd International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases
August 04-06, 2015 Valencia, Spain

Ali Taher Abbas and Hind abedallahsalih

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Bacteriol Parasitol


Toidentifythebacteria that producing the enzyme of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) with (E test) method among patients of
intensive care unit this study had been conductedin Al-Imam Al-Husse in hospitalin Thi-qarprovincefor theperiodfrom
1stSeptember to end of December 2011.A totalof 320 swabs and samples were collected from 17 different sites of Intensive CareUnit
environment and inoculated on a normal cultural media, then incubated at 37oC for 24 hour. The growth revealed different bacterial
colonies which had been tested for their morphological and biochemical characteristics. The final diagnosis by using API20 E was
used for the gram negative bacteria and API staph. Used for Staphylococcus. Sixty eight of pure isolates were obtained including 24
(35.29%)Gram positive bacterial isolates, 44(64.71%) of Gram negative bacterial isolates. Sensitivity tests for all isolates were done
using 25 types of commonly used antibiotics in Iraq, the results revealed that the genus Enterobacter spp. hada high resistance as a
Gram negative bacteria and Staphylococcus spp. had a high resistance as a Gram positive bacteria to most of the tested antibiotics.
The ability of bacteria isolates to produce Metallo ß-lactamase using progressive concentration stripes method (E test) was studied.
The results showed (1.4%) of these isolates gave positive results for each Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus

Biography :

Ali Taher Aba as currently working at College of Pharmacy, Univ. of Thi-Qar, Iraq.