Tongue Angioedema in vivo: A New Experimental Model to Characterize Antinflammatory Drugs
2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems
20-22 February 2012 San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront, USA

Etyene Castro Dip

Accepted Abstracts: Pharm Anal Acta


The inflammatory response induced by Dieffenbachia picta, an ornamental plant, may be due to mechanical tissue damage resulting from the physical presence of calcium oxalate crystals. The toxicity arises from its ability to cause painful edema of oral mucous membranes, buccal ulcerations, and tongue hypertrophy after chewing on the stem or contact with the sap. Angioneurotic tongue edema caused by D.picta sap in live mice was standardized (DIP et al., 2004; 2011) and we compared the anti-inflammatory effect of eugenol (2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol) to different drugs, and investigated the role of oxalate crystals in the development of the inflammation reaction. These results suggests that the compounds which inhibit antidromic vasodilation and axon reflex flare, reducing mastocyte degranulation and release of tachykinins from nerve endings would be promising agents for the treatment of angioneurotic edema.

Biography :

She holds a post doctoral trainee in the laboratory of Bioceramics in CBPF - Brazilian Centre of Physical Research (2011-2012), has completed her doctorate (2007) and master's (2002) by the program of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and graduated in dentistry. Actually, is an Adjunt Research Professor of Physiology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Fluminense Federal University (PUNF). Has experience in the field of pharmacology, with emphasis on pharmacology of pain and inflammation and works in the research lines related to Biomaterials Pharmacology; Mechanisms of Neurogenic Inflammation and substances extracted from plants or synthetic with local anaesthetic properties.