Walsh Medical Media

Walsh Medical Media (WMM) is a new healthcare publishing company dedicated to providing physicians and other healthcare professionals with peer-reviewed publications directly relevant to patient care. The focus of WMM publications will be practice-oriented products and services providing clinicians with the latest information and tools needed to improve medical care.

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Author(s) is relied upon to be responsible for the displayed information and data in their manuscript alongside assuming the liability of the importance. They are expected to introduce original result of their research,and a significant..

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Editors should protect the reputation of their journal(s) and published work by only publishing content of the highest quality and relevance in a timely and responsible manner. The Editor is in charge of maintaining..

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Reviewers are expected to only accept invitations to review work that is relevant to their own expertise and speciality. They should complete the review with fair expertise. Assigned Reviewer with insufficient expertise should feel..

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Latest from our Journals

Mini Review
Dupilumab: Breaking Boundaries beyond the Barriers of Atopy

Sara A. Altandi, Maella Severino-Freire, Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier

Research Article
A Review: Forest Aboveground Biomass (AGB) Estimation Using Satellite Remote Sensing

Gabian Jos, Shattri Mansor, Nitanan Koshy Matthew

Research Article
Reasons for Rejection of Total Blood Pockets: Experience of the Blood Bank of Yaounde Central Hospital

Bernard Chetcha Chemegni*, Francoise Ngo Sack, Annick Ndoumba, Leonie Flore Kenmalong Mboula, Edgard Lontsi Sonkwa, Claude Bertrand Tayou Tagny, Dora Mbanya