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Analytical Study of Yashada bhasma (Zinc Based Ayurvedic Metallic Preparation) with reference to Ancient and Modern Parameters

Research Article Open Access
1Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
2Department of Rasashastra, KLE Shri B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belgaum, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author: Santhosh B, PhD Scholar
Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
National Institute of Ayurveda
Amer Road, Jaipur-302002, India
Received November 24, 2012; Published December 19, 2012
Citation: Santhosh B, Raghuveer, Jadar PG, Nageswara Rao V (2013) Analytical Study of Yashada bhasma (Zinc Based Ayurvedic Metallic Preparation) with reference to Ancient and Modern Parameters. 2:582 doi:10.4172/scientificreports.582
Copyright: © 2013 Santhosh B, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: Rasashastra is a specialized branch of Ayurveda which deals with the pharmaceutics of its unique and potent preparations. Bhasmas (calx) are one among such preparations which are prepared after various Samskaras (processings) like Shodhana (purification), Jarana (roasting), Marana (incineration), Amrutikarana (nectarization) etc. They are said to be properly prepared if they pass certain bhasma parikshas (tests) enlisted in classical Rasashastra texts. But in this era, only bhasma parikshas are not ample to satisfy the modern scientific world.
Objective: Hence the present study was carried out to evaluate an Ayurvedic bhasma with both modern and ancient parameters.
Materials and methods: Yashada bhasma, a Zinc based Ayurvedic metallic preparation, was prepared as per Rasa chandamshu text and it was tested with both ancient and modern analytical parameters to know how the basic metal was transformed into bio-absorbable bhasma form and also to know its physical nature as to in which form the final product is.
Results: The ancient bhasma parikshas revealed that the bhasma prepared after two gajaputas (heating system with 1000 dried cow dung cakes) passed all the tests and thus ascertaining it was properly formed and modern analytical techniques like XRD (X Ray Diffraction) identified the final product as Zinc oxide (ZnO). SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) revealed the amorphous nature of the bhasma with particle size range 5-20 μm. ICPAES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) showed the presence of Zinc in major portion (95.08 ppm) and other elements like Sn (0.27), Pb (0.14), Fe (1.69), Ca (1.82), Mg (1.00), Cu, Co and Mn
Conclusion: Hence it can be concluded that ancient tests are handy in the qualitative aspect where as modern tests are useful for quantitative aspect and both of them are practically suited to test the proper formation of bhasma.
Yashada; X ray diffraction of yashada bhasma; Shodhana; Jarana; Marana
The significance of Rasoushadhis is that they are used in Alpa matra (minute doses), easily palatable and fast acting. Bhasmas are one among such Rasoushadhis which are complex compound forms of metals or minerals obtained by repeated incineration with liquid extracts. Yashada bhasma, zinc based Ayurvedic metallic preparation is indicated specially in Prameha (diabetes) and associated complications. Various methods are described in classical Rasashastra texts to prepare Yashada bhasma but the bhasma prepared by using Parada (mercury) is believed to be Sreshta (best) [1]. Hence Yashada bhasma was prepared as per Rasa chandamshu text and its analysis was done using both ancient and modern parameters.
Classical texts have enumerated certain tests which ensure the proper transformation of basic metal in to bio-absorbable bhasma form. But today due to questions arose about the safety of Rasoushadhis, it is advised to use the advanced modern technology to ensure the proper formation of bhasmas. A number of modern analytical techniques are available to know the material characterization of bhasmas. Among them, XRD (X Ray Diffraction) is one of the important techniques by which compounds of the material and free metals in it can be detected. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) deals with the surface structure of the material and even the particle size of the material can be calculated. ICPAES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) is one of the most common techniques used for elemental analysis.
Materials and Methods
Yashada (Zinc metal) and the associated materials used for the preparation of Yashada bhasma were collected from the PG Department of Rasashastra, K.L.E. Shri B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belagavi, Karnataka, India. Methods adopted for the preparation of Yashada bhasma include Dhalana (a process where molten zinc was poured into specific liquids), Jarana (roasting purified Zinc with Achyranthes aspera powder) and Marana (adding roasted zinc with 1/4th mercury and sulphur and triturating with Aloe vera-Citrus limon juices and subjecting to Gajaputa).
Samanya shodhana (general purification) was done by the Dhalana (liquefying and pouring) method in Kanji (sour gruel), Takra (butter milk), Kulattha (Dolichus biflorus) kwatha (decoction), Gomutra (Cow’s urine), Tila (Sesamum indicum) and Taila (oil). Dhalana was carried out three times in each liquid media [2]. After samanya shodhana, Vishesha shodhana (specific purification) was carried out in Churnodaka (lime water) for seven times [3]. After shodhana, the metal became more brittle and was then subjected to Jarana (roasting) using Apamarga panchanga churna (powder of Achyranthes aspera) [4]. After Jarana, the metal was converted into a very fine grey shining powder which was deemed fit for Marana (incineration). The powder was then subjected to Marana by triturating it with Shuddha Parada (purified Mercury) and Shuddha Gandhaka (purified Sulphur), both 1/4th quantity of Yashada, to form a black powder, from which one bhavana (triturating in liquid media) each with Kumari swarasa (fresh juice of Aloe vera) and Nimbu swarasa (fresh juice of Citrus limon) was given and Chakrikas (pellets) prepared. After drying, they were kept in sharava (casseroles), sandhi bandhana (sealing) was done and subjected to Gajaputa (heating system with 1000 dried cow dung cakes). After two Gajaputas, Yashada bhasma of yellowish color was obtained (Figure 1) [5].
Figure 1: Yashada Bhasma.
Analysis of Bhasma using Ancient Parameters (Bhasma parikshas)
The final bhasma was analyzed for quality control as described in Ayurvedic texts and the following observations were made:
1. Rekhapurnata: A pinch of Yashada bhasma was rubbed in between thumb and index finger. It was observed that bhasma enters the furrows of finger.
2. Varitara: Clean water was taken in a glass and allowed to standstill. A pinch of Yashada bhasma was sprinkled on the surface of water. It was observed that bhasma floats on the surface of the water.
3. Unama: This is continuation of the above test where in rice grain was placed on the surface of floating bhasma. It was observed that the floating still persists (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Unama.
4. Niswadu: A pinch of bhasma was placed on the tongue and its taste was perceived to be tasteless.
5. Nishchandrata: A pinch of bhasma was taken and observed under bright sunlight. There were no shining particles in the bhasma.
6. Nirdhumatva: A pinch of bhasma was sprinkled on the ignited charcoal and observed no fumes emerging out of it.
7. Apunarbhava: One gram of Yashada bhasma was triturated with Guda (jaggery), Gunja (Abrus precatorius), Tankana (borax), Madhu (honey) and Ghrita (ghee) one gram each and a paste was prepared. This paste was kept in a Musha (crucible) and sandhi bandhana (sealing) was done. It was then subjected to teevragni (Intense heat up to 1000°C) for one hour. After swangasheeta (self cooling), musha was opened and the charred mass was powdered and observed no any shining particles.
8. Niruttha: Yashada bhasma (5 g) and a silver piece (5 g) were kept in a musha, sandhi bandhana done and it was then subjected to teevragni for one hour. After swangasheeta, musha was opened and the silver piece was weighed. There was no increase in the weight of the silver piece which indicated the bhasma passed the test.
9. Namburi phased spot test of Yashada bhasma: In the 1st phase (0-5 min), after putting a drop of Yashada bhasma solution on the potassium iodide paper, a wet central spot spread outside with immediate formation of bright white glittering surface over the spot. In 2nd phase (5-20 min) it was observed that the spreading of the drop stopped. Thin reddish outer ring around the white spot was seen. The white spot was very bright in this stage. Later in the 3rd phase (20 min-24 hours) the brightness of the white spot was maintained. There was a clear yellowish periphery around the centre spot. It was fluorescent under UV chamber (Figure 3).
Figure 3: NPST of Yashada bhasma.
Analysis of Bhasma using Modern Parameters
All the following tests were conducted in IIT-Bombay with the assistance of concerned subject experts.
X-Ray diffraction analysis
XRD of shodhita samples: After samanya shodhana of Yashada, the obtained product was major quantity of Yashada only. XRD peaks of this sample correspond to untransformed Zinc metal. This was evidenced by presence of strongest Zn peak. But after Vishesha shodhana, some part of it was transformed to Zinc oxide which was known by the presence of ZnO peaks in the XRD (Table 1).
Table 1: Showing 2θ value of three strongest peaks of samanya and vishesha shodhita yashada.
XRD of jarita and marita samples: In Jarita Yashada sample, the XRD peaks were identified to be as ZnO, Zn and ZnCO3. The strongest peak corresponds to Zinc and few weak peaks correspond to Zinc oxide and Zinc carbonate peak is very low in intensity. After the chakrika (pellet) preparation the XRD was carried out and it was seen that the strongest peaks corresponded to Zinc sulphide (ZnS) (Tables 2 and 3).
Table 2: Showing 2θ value of different compounds in Jarita yashada.
Table 3: Showing 2θ value of pellets (chakrika) sample.
After the first Puta, the sample showed strongest peaks which were identified as Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) (Figure 4) and also minor peaks of Zinc oxide. But after 2ndPuta the strongest peaks were identified as Zinc oxide (ZnO) (Figure 5 and table 4).
Figure 4: XRD after 1stputa.
Figure 5: XRD after 2ndputa.
Table 4: Showing 2θ value of Yashada bhasma samples.
Scanning electron microscopy
• Jarita Yashada: Average size 5-30 μm, polydisperse, typical 30 μm spherical with coarse surface.
• After Puta 1: Amorphous in nature with particles in the range of 1-100 μm but still some polyhedral particles in the range of 20-30 μm were seen.
• After Puta 2: Amorphous in nature with particle size range 5-20 μm (Figure 6).
Figure 6: SEM after 2ndputa.
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
• Zinc in major concentration was noted with 95.08 ppm and other elements like Sn (0.27), Pb (0.14), Fe (1.69), Ca (1.82), Mg (1.00), Cu, Co and Mn
During samanya shodana, Yashada (Zinc) was melt at 420°C and poured into Kanji, Takra, Kulattha kwatha, Gomutra and Tila Taila for three times in each liquid media. On the completion of this process Yashada was converted into solid, brittle, silvery colored along with some fine particles. Yashada melts at 420°C but the duration of melting was extended after every Dhalana. The XRD analysis of samanya shodhita Yashada shows the peaks of Zinc metal (Zn). There might be transformation of Zinc into compounds but due to its very small quantity that might not be detected in XRD. These compounds may be present extremely small amounts in the slag floating on the Zinc metal.
Zinc purified by the general method was heated to melt and poured into Churnodaka (lime water) for seven times with fresh liquid each time. Molten Zinc when came in contact with liquid media produced loud blasting sound. The melting duration was extended on every dhalana procedure due to presence of carbonaceous material. This type of repeated liquefying and pouring in liquid media resulted in the formation of large amount of slag which floated on the surface of molten Zinc. This powder was analyzed and as expected the XRD showed peaks of Zinc oxide and Zinc metal. This substantiates that the metal is transformed to compounds in Shodhana step too.
Vishesha shodhita Yashada was melted in an iron pan at the temperature range of 600-700°C and Apamarga panchanga churna was added little by little and rubbed with an iron ladle with pressure. The process was continued till it turned to powder form completely. This is known as Jarita Yashada. When Apamarga is added to molten Yashada, immediately it burns and becomes carbon. While rubbing molten Yashada along with Apamarga, initially the whole material was changed into black powder form, later its color turned to grey. The reactive components of Achyranthes aspera helped in further disintegration of Zinc particles into Zinc compounds in open atmosphere. Potassium being main constituent of Achyranthes aspera will give rise to potassium oxide (alkali) at high temperature [6]. Formation of Zinc compounds depends upon the concentration of potassium oxide which reacts with Zinc during Jarana process. But on examining the XRD spectra of Jarita Yashada, it was found that ZnO is the main product with weak peaks of Zn and ZnCO3.
The Jarita Yashada was added with mercury and sulphur and triturated well to form a uniform mixture which is called Kajjali. Then Bhavana of Kumari swarasa and Nimbu swarasa was given and pellets prepared. On analyzing these pellets, it was noted that the strongest peaks were that of Zinc Sulphide (ZnS). These pellets were subjected to gajaputa (700-1000°C) and Yashada bhasma was obtained which did not pass Nishchandrata (free from shining particles) test. Hence the Puta was repeated and after second Puta, the bhasma obtained passed all the classical bhasma parikshas like Rekhapurnata (the bhasma particles should enter the furrows fingers), Varitara (bhasma particles should float on the surface of water), Niswadu (tasteless), Apunarbhava (bhasma should not regain its original metallic lustre) and Niruttha (weight of silver piece heated with the bhasma should not increase).
The XRD spectra of bhasma after first Puta showed peaks of Zinc sulphide which indicates the incomplete transformation of metal to its oxide form which was also supported by the bhasma pariksha as it did not pass the Nishchandrata pariksha. But after second Puta the XRD spectra of Yashada bhasma shows major peaks which were identified as Zinc oxide (ZnO) compound. Weak peak of Zinc which was seen in XRD of Jarita Yashada sample was not seen in Yashada bhasma sample which indicates complete transformation of metal to Bhasma form.
SEM evidenced the reduction in the particle size of the material stage by stage. The average particle size of Jarita Yashada was in the range of 5-30 μm, poly disperse, typical 30 μm spherical with coarse surface. It was then noted that after Puta 1, the material was amorphous in nature with particles in the range of 1-100 μm but still some polyhedral particles in the range of 20-30 μm. Finally after Puta 2, the bhasma formed was amorphous in nature with particle size range 5-20 μm.
ICPAES revealed the presence of Zinc in major concentration with 95.08 ppm. The other elements like Sn (0.27 ppm) and Pb (0.14 ppm) are well within normal limits and their presence may be attributed to the raw material. Fe (1.69 ppm) was noted which may be due to the usage of iron vessels during shodhana and jarana. Ca (1.82 ppm), Mg (1.000020 ppm), Cu, Co and Mnkumari swarasa.
The structural and chemical transformation of metal into metal compounds (bhasma) which are bioabsorbable is the main objective of marana. To avoid any toxicity and adverse effects of bhasma, the complete transformation of base metal into bhasma form is prime requisite. To check whether the bhasma is properly formed or not, Rasashastra texts have laid down certain bhasma parikshas (tests). These bhasma parikshas are qualitative in nature and they don’t reveal anything about the characterization. Hence to overcome this lacuna, modern analytical parameters like XRD, SEM, and ICPAES etc. are very helpful.
Yashada bhasma prepared classically was subjected to both classical and modern analytical parameters. Classical bhasma parikshas undoubtedly approved the Yashada bhasma but the modern techniques helped to know the final product in detail. XRD revealed the compound nature of the final product as ZnO. SEM showed the particle size and the surface structure of the bhasma. ICPAES detailed about the elemental composition of the bhasma. Hence both classical and modern analytical parameters are to be used for justification of the proper preparation of Ayurvedic bhasma.