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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)


ISSN: 2161-119X Otolaryngol, an open access journal

Otolaryngology 2017

October 18-19, 2017

October 18-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Rhinology and Otology

Comparison of polysomnography data pre and post transoral robotic surgery in patients of obstructive

sleep apnea

Kalpana Nagpal

Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, India


ransoral robotic surgery for obstructive sleep apnea has helped in decreasing CPAP pressure and alleviating few patients

with OSA from using CPAP altogether. We have three categories of patients; rst category of patients those who did not

receive any kind of treatment before they reached us and were subjected to polysomnography and were undergoing surgery as

rst choice a er case selection. Second category of patients was those who were recommended CPAP but were intolerant a er

brief usage. ird category of patients were those who used CPAP for more than one year (1-5 years) and in spite of continuous

usage continue to have same ndings on repeat PSG and continue to have same subjective feelings. All our TORS patients were

subjected to PSG and drug induced sleep endoscopy prior to surgery and follow up polysomnography was done a er 3 months.

In all patients, comparison of symptomatology and PSG data was formulated pre and post TORS.

Otolaryngol 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-023