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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)


ISSN: 2161-119X Otolaryngol, an open access journal

Otolaryngology 2017

October 18-19, 2017

October 18-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Rhinology and Otology

Association between work duration and noise-induced hearing loss on train drivers and train driver

assistants in Bandung, Indonesia

Krissa Devani, Hanifah and Tasya Kamila

Padjadjaran University, Indonesia


oise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a sensorineural hearing loss caused by noise exposure with intensity over 85 dB

and o en happens at workers. Train drivers and train driver assistants are one type of work exposed high intensity of

noise from locomotive. is study aims to know the relationship between working periods and Noise Induced Hearing Loss

on train drivers and train drivers assistants in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia. is study is an observational

quantitative research with cross-sectional design using consecutive sampling. Subjects are train drivers and their assistants

of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. On subject of study conducted anamnesis, otoscopic examination and pure tone audiometry.

Results are analyzed by chi-square test. From 44 people of subjects, there are 2 people NIHL who have worked less than 10

years, 4 people NIHL with working period 10-19 years and 5 people NIHL with working period more than 20 years. Result

was analyzed by chi-square and result of p-value is 0.007 (p<0.05). From this study, we conclude that there is relation between

working period enhancements with noise induced hearing loss on train drivers and train drivers’ assistants in PT. Kereta Api


Otolaryngol 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-023