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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)


ISSN: 2161-119X Otolaryngol, an open access journal

Otolaryngology 2017

October 18-19, 2017

October 18-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Rhinology and Otology

Assessment of sphenoid sinus related anatomic variations with computed tomography

Figen Tunali Turkdogan

Adnan Menderes University, Turkey


requent and broad application of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in parallel with experience makes it imperative to know

the anatomy and the existing pathology very well before surgery. is study examines the association between anomalies

in the sphenoid sinus area in paranasal sinuses computed tomography (PNS-CT) and pathological ndings and determines

variations of sphenoid sinus. A total of 200 cases (100 women, 100 men), who had PNS-CT in the emergency and radiology

polyclinics within the period of one year were included in this study. Bone tissue anomalies and so tissue pathologies were

assessed in the CT. Pterygoid process was found in 36.75% of our cases, anterior clinoid pneumatization was found in 21.25%;

vidian canal in 34.25%, foramen rotundum in 17.5% and ICA in 12.75% had protrusion into the sphenoid sinus; 8.25% were

found to have onodi cell, 11.25% were found to have multiple septation, 16.75% were found to have mucosal thickening

and 2.5% were found to have retention cyst. e importance of PNS-CT in terms of determining anatomic variations before

ESC and predicting possible complications during surgery has been emphasized once more. In our study, as sphenoid sinus

pneumatization increased, the projection of neighboring vein and nerve structures into the sinus was found to increase as well.

Otolaryngol 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-023