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Nanoplasmonics Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops

Nanoplasmonics, to put simply, is the study of optical phenomena (control and monitoring of the localization of optical energy) in the nanoscale vicinity of metal surfaces (more accurately between 2 and 20 nm). This may sound contradictory as we are used to the notion that no electromagnetic radiation can be confined to a region of size smaller than that of half of the light's wavelength.

Electronic components can be made to extremely small dimensions, but the downside is that they can't support very high data bandwidths. By contrast, optical fibres can provide the data capacity our thirst for information requires, but at a cost: optical components are bulky.


If there could be a blending of the two approaches that supports the creation of extremely small, extremely high bandwidth devices. That, essentially, is the aim of researchers around the world exploring the possible applications of plasmonics.

Plasmonics concept was first mooted in 1899 by German physicist Sommerfeld. He was investigating how radio waves were guided along a metal rod, but it wasn't until the 1960s until their existence was proved during the conduction of energy loss experiments. 


Today's computers have reached something of a roadblock. Performance is dictated not by the clock speed, rather by the speed with which information can be routed between different points on the chip. Clock speeds can't be increased much further than they are because of heat issues. One solution to this is multicore processors. But that means that even more wiring is needed on the chip and it will take even longer for information to get to where it's needed, 


The problem is that wires have a fundamental limit in the data rate that can be supported. "Smaller wires have higher resistivities," he explained, "meaning that it takes longer to transmit information." 

A potential solution is to move from the electrical to the photonic domain because data could then be moved around the chip at speeds approaching that of light, with a much higher bandwidth. It also holds the prospect of being able to apply wavelength division multiplexing techniques on chip.

OMICS Group is involved into organizing over 100 International conferences across the globe annually. OMICS International International aims to accelerate the knowledge on various important branches of Science and Technology with the help of its open access Journals and the Worldwide International Conferences.

Instigating from the year 2010, OMICS International International Conferences are involved to provide a meaningful platform, for the world renowned scientists, researchers, students, academicians from institutions, and also the entrepreneurs from industries Conferences and international events annually throughout the world to raise and encourage the developments and focus on the research aspects. 

OMICS International holds the reputation of successfully organizing scientific conferences well at all prime locations across the globe.  OMICS International Engineering conferences are a hub for scientists, research scholars and students from the field of Nanotechnology and Photonics through holding scientific conferences all through the year. OMICS International is proud of having the right infrastructure to host such important events that are lit with participants, such as learners, practitioners and intellectuals from various disciplines including medical, pharmaceutical and engineering profession exclusively for the Nanoplasmonics. 

Coming to Engineering Conferences specifically the advancement of nanoplasmonics is growing rapidly and its development is making tremendous impacts. The importance and significance can be gauged by the fact that it has made huge advancements in surface plasmonics over the course of time and is continuing to influence various sectors.

Since its inception, OMICS International International has focused on meeting the needs of the scientific community, through scientific sessions/workshops and B2B meetings within industries which are actively involved to develop products based on plasmonic materials while simultaneously accomplishing international credits and accreditation standards.

One of the important benefits of attending engineering conferences lies in exchanging and gathering the most recent advances in this plasmonics, sharing your work with your peers in research on nanophysics, as well as getting their feedback to enlighten your career. These conferences are distinguished with their highly prepared technical sessions. In order to encourage current generation researchers, we have developed ‘Young Researcher’s’ forum to encourage and express their research through oral presentation. The best presentations are honored with the recognition certificates at the venue. Highly expressive poster presentation, exhibitions, symposiums, inclusive of panel discussion and interactive sessions makes conferences a complete platform for Global Networking. We are optimized in conducting both academic and business events including Science Conferences, B2B meetings, symposia and workshops. Our eminence is well known to World Congresses which well reflected by the keynote presentations and speeches are always bestowed with renowned speakers as Organizing Committee Members, who will be facilitated with the special recognition certificates and mementos during the event in the gathering.
