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OMICS International is an Open Access publisher and leading science event organizer. The organization runs 700+ Open Access Journals and organizes over 3000+ scientific conferences on an annual basis. OMICS International has more than 15 million followers to its credit; and with its Open access journals and worldwide conferences, OMICS claims an important position in the global scientific research scenario.

Our goal is to provide friendly and responsive support for any/all queries related to manuscript publication or conference participation. We value the feedback received from our readers and viewers; and we will provide the best services required for easy and fast publication of scientific manuscripts.

Clinical Journals: Clinical Science remains as one of the most important medical science disciplines which is crucial for disease diagnosis and prevention. This interdisciplinary subject encompasses diversified sub disciplines including biochemistry, microbiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, radiology, pathology, clinical trials, cardiovascular research, ophthalmology, experimental dermatology research and many more.

Chemistry Journals: Chemistry is one of oldest pure science subject which influences every aspect of our life and understanding of numerous scientific facts. Chemistry journals publishes wide and diversified topics in the fields including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, industrial chemistry, medicinal chemistry and crystallographic studies etc.

Genetics & Molecular Biology Journals: Genetics and Molecular Biology has emerged as the greatest tool for biologists to explore underlying facts of life. Genetic and Molecular journals offer wide array of fields including stem cell research, phylogenetics, classical genetics, experimental and theoretical genetics, syndromes, cloning and transgenesis, and other molecular aspects.

Biochemistry Journals: Biochemistry allows us to know biological process with chemical perspectives for living organisms. It brings the knowledge of biology and chemistry together by using chemical knowledge and techniques. Biochemistry journals cover several important arena of the subject including analytical biochemistry, metabolomics, glycobiology, biomolecular research, structural and functional issues, etc.

Medical Journals: Medical sciences deserve its importance due to the most significant contribution in saving lives and aiding in combating ailments. This is an ever dynamic discipline and requires constant update in the subject with time. Our Medical journals consider topics like sports medicine, carcinogenesis, physiotherapy, regenerative medicine, dental, Reproductive system etc.

Immunology & Microbiology Journals: Immunology and Microbiology provide deep insights in understanding the defense mechanism of human being and other organisms, hence, helping in disease prevention, cure and therapeutics caused by microorganisms. Immunology and Microbiology Journals considers various subjects, such as, Bacteriology and Parasitology, Vaccines and Vaccination, Antiviral research, microbiology and other associated topics.

Chemical Engineering Journals: Chemical Engineering plays a pivotal role in the industrial and economic development. The Chemical Engineering journals cover a wide array of themes including analytical and bio analytical techniques, thermodynamics and catalysis, spectrometry and purification, fermentation and product yield, chromatography and purification techniques, advanced chemical engineering etc.

Pharmaceutical Journals: The largest supportive subject to medical science is Pharmaceutical research which aids in advancing the latest therapeutics, diagnostics, clinical and therapeutic techniques in the healthcare industry. Pharmaceutical journals offer latest and valuable scientific information on drug discovery and development, adverse drug events and toxicological effects, pharmacogenomics, biomedicine, drug metabolism etc.

Health Care Journals: Global healthcare industry is progressing significantly and regularly seeks important information from the intellects. Healthcare journals are essential as they publish the latest developments in this field including primary healthcare, health education, women’s health care, common remedies, ancient and modern ways of better health maintenance, healthcare managements and economics etc.

Business & Management Journals: Business and Management is one of the most vibrant subject which offers abundant scope for the exploration as it is growing constantly with varied challenges and opportunities. Business and Management journals offer insights on global economics, financial affairs, accounting, entrepreneurship, organizational management, hotel management, and economics etc.

Engineering Journals: Engineering refers to the ultimate application of the basic science which draws inspirations from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and allied subjects and offers solutions to various industrial problems. Engineering journals considers civil, mechanical, architechtural, environmental, biomedical, computer, electronics, aeronautical and automobile engineering.

Materials Science Journals: Industrial application of novel, customized and improved materials enforced the research on the subject of materials science. Advanced research outcomes could be accessed from our materials science journals which cover various topics including microstructure, namomaterials, polymers, powder metallurgy, composite materials, thermostability, and superconductivity etc.
