Chemotherapy is a very vast field and is a part of medicine where research is focused on the treatment of cancer by using one or more drugs for a particular period of time. The duration of treatment and the drug depends on the disease stage and patient condition. Mostly drugs used in Chemotherapy are very potent which indicates very minute quantities are sufficient to bring about therapeutic response and if the medicament is in excess in leads to adverse effects and side effects and thus a lot of research is still going on to improve the therapy by enhancing the effectiveness and reduce the side effects. There are many publishing companies and organizations which publish research findings in the field of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, chemotherapy: Open access, journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, chemotherapy research and practice are few successful journals related to chemotherapy etc. Chemotherapy: Open access is a proud product of OMICS publications. Apart from Chemotherapy: Open Access, the other journals related to chemotherapy published by OMICS group are Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis, Cancer Science & Therapy, Leukemia : Open Access etc
Last date updated on September, 2024