As per available reports about 100 journals, 162 Conferences, 30 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Optics and about 366282 articles are being published on the current trends in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. In terms of research annually, USA, India, Japan, Brazil and Canada are some of the leading countries where maximum studies related to proteomics are being carried out. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is the disorder that occurs while a person is asleep. It is caused by the blockage of airway thus leading to uneasiness in breathing. During a sleep apnea episode, the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder to open the obstructed airway and pull air into the lungs. Breathing usually resumes with a loud gasp, snort, or body jerk. These episodes can interfere with sound sleep. They can also reduce the flow of oxygen to vital organs and cause irregular heart rhythms.
The Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy is an academic journal – hosted by OMICS International – a pioneer in open access publishing–and is listed among the top 10 journals in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of congresses being held in this field. The Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy provides a unique platform to researchers and scientist to explore the advanced and latest research developments in the field of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, thus bridging the gap between researchers and young scientists.
OMICS Group is delighted to invite you to attend the 4th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing November 02-04, 2015 Atlanta, USA. This conference includes 11 tracks and 71 sessions and is designed to offer comprehensive sessions that prefers to current issues in Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing. MedChem & CADD-2014 is an International Conference designs a theme on “Exploring the Current Techniques and Practices in the Field of Medicinal Chemistry and Computer Aided Drug Designing”
Our Group hosts over 700 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organize over 3000 International Conferences annually all over the world. Our Group journals have over 3 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. Our Group signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. |
List of major Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and related journals
List of major Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and related Conferences
- Eurasia Research Conference on advancement in Business, Science and Technology, ERC-2015 Istanbul, Turkey
- International Conference on Innovation in Business, Applied Science, Engineering and E-Technology New York, United States of America
- The MacroJournals Conference on Medicine, Science, and Technology - Dubrovnik 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia (Hrvatska)
- 6th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ICCCE 2015) Paris, France
- International Conference on Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Education Manado, Indonesia
- 6th International Conference On Recent Trends in Applied Physical, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical/Statistical and Environmental Dynamics (PCME-2015) New Delhi, India International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Material Science Engineering (CMMSE-2015) August 10-11, 2015 Pattaya, Thailand Pattaya, Thailand
- 8th International Conference on Researches in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICRETS), August 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
- 4th International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology Bali, Indonesia
- International Conference on Business, applied Science, Engineering and Technology Research Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 4th International Conference on Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation - ICEMA 2015 Toronto, Canada
- 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automation Engineering (ICMEAE 2015) Bangkok, Thailand
- International Conference on Materials Technologies and Sciences (ICMTS 2015) Bangkok, Thailand
- The International Conference On Science, Ecology And Technology (Iconsete’2015 – Vienna) Vienna, Austria
- International Conference on Food Nutrition, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ICFNCE’2015) August 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Beijing International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA - 2015) Beijing, China
- 6th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA 2015) Hong Kong, China2nd International Conference on Substantial Environmental Engineering (ICSEE 2015) Hong Kong, China
- International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Natural Resources (ICASETNR-15) Aug. 27-28, 2015 Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia) Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
- Second International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology - ASET Bangkok, Thailand
- TIIKM's 2nd Annual International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 4th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2015) Penang, Malaysia
- International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural and Biological Sciences (CABS-2015) Sept. 4-5, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
- 3rd International Conference on Biological and Medical Sciences (ICBMS 2015) Shanghai, China
- 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2015) Kitakyushu, Japan
- 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering Orlando, United States of America
- 7th International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2015) Milan, Italy
- 2nd Journal Conference on Clean Energy Technologies (JCCET 2015 2nd) Milan, Italy
- International Conference on Manufacturing and Optimization (ICMO 2015) Singapore, Singapore
- International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2015) Singapore, Singapore
- International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2015) Singapore, Singapore
- 13th Students' Science Conference Wroclaw, Poland
- 9th International Conference on Researches in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICRETS), 17-18, September 2015, London London, United Kingdom
- IC-STAR 2015 - The 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
- 3rd International Conference on Biological, Chemical and Environmental Sciences (BCES-2015) Sept. 21-22, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Application of NMR Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Industry Rovinj / Red Islands, Croatia (Hrvatska)
- International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2015) Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Fourth International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Engineering - ASEE Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 3rd World Conference on Safety in Science, Industry and Education 2015 Saskatoon, Canada
- 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology 2015 (ICASMT 2015) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Second International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2015 (IRCSME 2015) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- International Conference on Applied Science, Healthcare, Engineering and Computer Science Toronto, Canada
- ELECTROTECH '15 / III. International Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technologies Conference Istanbul, Turkey
- The 3rd International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics 2015 Tanjong Malim, Malaysia
- International Conference on Food and Nutrition (ICFN 2015) New York, United States of America
- 6th International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2015) New York, United States of America
- International Conference on Healthcare, Aplied Science, Engineering and Computer Science Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 3rd Journal Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (JCCEA 2015 3rd) Beijing, China
- 5th International Conference on Environment and BioScience (ICEBS 2015) Beijing, China
- 4 th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2015) Singapore, Singapore
- International Conference on Mechanical Engineerng and Nanotechnology (ICMEN 2015) Singapore, Singapore
- 1st International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 2nd International Conference on Alzheimer’s diseases and dementia
- 2014 Sleep Disorder Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona
- Sleep Apnea & Multi-Modal Transportation Conference (SAMTC)
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) Surgery International Course
- The Irish Sleep Apnoea Trust - ISAT
List of major Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and related Research Centres
• National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
• the Woolcock Institute in the field of OSA
• Penninsula Sleep Center (PSC) Burlingame California
This page will be updated regularly. |
This page was last updated on February 07, 2025 |