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Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine
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Periodontal Wound Healing: Future Perspective

Rajiv Saini*

Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences-Loni, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author:
Saini R
Associate Professor, Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences-Loni, Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 9923206789

Received Date: August 16, 2016; Accepted Date: August 26, 2016; Published Date: September 03, 2016

Citation: Saini R (2016) Periodontal Wound Healing: Future Perspective. Pediatr Dent Care 1: e103.

Copyright: © 2016 Saini R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Periodontal tissues symbolize a distinctive organization in the oral cavity where epithelial, soft and mineralized connective tissues come together to form a complex junction, referred to as the dentogingival junction as illustrated in Figure 1. Safeguarding of the integrity of this junction is therefore crucial for the preservation of underlying bone and periodontal ligament for optimal periodontal health.

Periodontal tissues symbolize a distinctive organization in the oral cavity where epithelial, soft and mineralized connective tissues come together to form a complex junction, referred to as the dentogingival junction as illustrated in Figure 1. Safeguarding of the integrity of this junction is therefore crucial for the preservation of underlying bone and periodontal ligament for optimal periodontal health.

Periodontitis is a true infection which initiate from dental plaque and progress towards formation of hardened calculus. The periodontal disease starts as a painless condition with symptoms like bleeding gums, bad breath and teeth staining. However if not intervened at proper time by professionals and home care it leads to advance stage leading to deep periodontal pockets, food lodgement, halitosis, gingival recession and sometimes ends with tooth loss. There is dynamic interrelationship exists between periodontal and systemic health which basically linked with pro-inflammatory cytokines released at the site of infection resulting with host immune response. However the magnitude of inflammatory-immune response is modulated by many factors like genetics, environmental and duration of time.

In order to prevent and treat periodontal disease various treatment modalities from non-surgical to surgical procedures usually followed. Conventional periodontal therapy involves various non-surgical and surgical treatment modalities to arrest the disease progression and to restore normal health. Non-surgical treatment primarily focused on scaling and root planing, sub-gingival curettage and recent advances like use of LASER. Surgical treatment usually followed after non-surgical phase with prime objective of removing the unreachable plaque and calculus which cannot be accessed through non-surgically. The basic treatment involve is the reflection of periodontal flap though different techniques, surgical debridement and restoration of lost structure by regenerating materials. Under both the treatment line (Surgical and Non-Surgical) results in wound in already inflamed dentogingival tissue. The recovering of wound healing depend upon the cellular and molecular activities during the recovery phase/healing period.

In the recent past with development of technology and exploration of new science, innovative products like natural sea salt mouthrinse will also pay a significant role in modern dentistry specially for enhancing the healing process. H2Ocean Inc. produces a wide range of quality dental products that uses sea salt. H2Ocean mouthrinse are alcohol and fluoride free and are the only sea salt based oral rinse with enzymes naturally found in saliva. H2Ocean’s oral rinse formulas are enriched with the ingredient xylitol which helps prevent dry mouth. Salt water is astringent and speeds wound healing through reducing inflammation and contracting the tissues. More scientific studies and clinical trials will further prove the beneficial effect of sea salt mouthrinse and its vital role in periodontal wound healing (Figure 1). *


Figure 1:Periodontal Anatomy.

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