ISSN: 2169-0170
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Workers Rights: Islamic Perspective and the Law(Malay Version)

Uqbah Iqbal*

Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.

Corresponding Author:
Uqbah Iqbal
History Programme
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
National University of Malaysia
UKM 43650, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 60389215555

Received Date: May 17, 2016; Accepted Date: June 09, 2016; Published Date: June 16, 2016

Citation: Iqbal U (2016) ‘Workers’ Rights: Islamic Perspective and the Law’ (Malay Version). J Civil Legal Sci S1:001. doi:10.4172/2169-0170.S1-001

Copyright: © 2016 Iqbal U. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Book Review

Written by Azhar Alias, Harlida Abdul Wahab and Ahmad Munir Ishak, this book is an alternative reference copies for every individual who works in the public sector. Every individual who works or terms wage earners can understand their rights as public sector employees in Malaysia. The book is expected to build a real inspiration to Muslim employees to work more productively, proactive and innovative in order to meet the concept of work as worship. Similarly for employers to be more sensitive to the welfare and rights of workers in their departments. A thorough discussion of the law and specific provisions relating to employment regulations in Malaysia are the focus of this book.

According to the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on Fundamental Principles and Rights of Workers, each country either agree or disagree with the declaration of the need to respect and promote principles and rights of workers which includes four categories, namely freedom of establishment of unity and recognition of the right to hold fresh bargain collectively, the elimination of forced labor, abolition of child labor and the elimination of employment discrimination.

This declaration has been made the basis for the determination of the principles and rights of workers in research and journal about workers’ rights. For example, Busse in his journal about Foreign Direct Investment and Fundamental Workers’ Rights has stated that the fundamental rights of workers or also known as the standard of labor different from one country to country depending on the social, cultural, political and level of real income. However, he stated that human rights are based on four main categories that are universal generally accepted in all countries.

Polaski in his writings on Trade and Labor Standards: A Strategy for Developing Countries said that developing countries should seize the opportunity to compete competitively with other countries through the respect and recognition of the rights of employees based on four categories as specified. While Kelly in her article namely Labor, Capital and the Church: A Call for Action has made a study of workers from the perspective of Christianity. According to her, due to current developments facing the world today such as globalization and information and communication technology, people have returned to religious traditions and beliefs to assess any actions or policies to be implemented. This is because people began to realize that the action or policy will affect the man himself whether his physical well-being related to health as well as spiritual as the expectations and thinking.

Relations between employers and employees are a key factor that determines the success and effectiveness of an organization. This relationship is termed as industry relations as a subject, is an area that cannot be separated from the developments taking place in society. This is very closely linked and influences each other in a state of social, political, economic and technological development in a society. There are two main groups that exist in this connection that workers and employers. To ensure the success of an organization, its harmonious relationship should exist when employees and employers understand and agree to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

However, realistically it is undeniable that sometimes this harmonious industrial relations cannot or difficult to achieve. This is due to the existence of mutual respect and understanding between the parties with the other when each has different problems and tries to meet their own needs, which in turn will create a conflict. Looking at the issue, understanding and respect for fundamental rights of workers is an important thing in creating harmonious industrial relations. This book is important in order to analyze the fundamental rights of workers in the public sector employees in Malaysia as seen from the perspective of Islam. United Nations is the main organization that coordinates activities between the state and the only global inter-governmental organization with universal membership.

Under the United Nations, there are agencies and commissions that support one of its key role of supporting, promoting and maintaining respect for the rights and freedoms of human rights such as the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization International Labour (ILO). In the actions and efforts towards protecting universal human rights, the United Nations through UNHCR has made a declaration concerning the Charter of Human Rights which was agreed on December 10 1948. A total of 30 cases that touch on human rights and freedoms that must be observed by every individual, without distinction from the point of gender, social and economic status, citizenship or etc.

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