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Interpretation of Ayurveda Theory of Pharmacokinetics the Vipaka: A Review

Chakrapany Sharma*
Professor & HoD, University College of Ayurveda, Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, India
Corresponding Author : Chakrapany Sharma
Professor & HoD, University College of Ayurveda
Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, India
Tel: 91-7597069336
Received December 20, 2013; Accepted December 28, 2013; Published January 02, 2014
Citation: Sharma C (2014) Interpretation of Ayurveda Theory of Pharmacokinetics the Vipaka: A Review. J Homeop Ayurv Med 3:e110. doi: 10.4172/2167-1206.1000e110
Copyright: © 2014 Sharma C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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In the era of modernization, evidence based Ayurveda is a hot topic for clinician, student of Ayurveda medicine, planners, patient and public in large. Ayurveda is the science of life defines the trinity of life as body, mind and spiritual awareness which are associated with health and illness of human body [1]. The use of Ayurvedic medicines has become accepted in other countries as well. For example, according to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, more than 200,000 US adults had used Ayurvedic medicine in 2006 alone [2]. Govt of India has emerged all alternative medicines under one umbrella- the department of AYUSH, where the Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy are flourishing well [3].
OMICS Publishing Group has been publishing an International open access Journal of Homeopathic and Ayurveda Medicine (JHAM) for the author’s benefit and for the benefit of the author’s institution, for commercial/research/educational use including without limitation use in instruction.
The quest for knowledge generates out of inquisitiveness, which ultimately leads to better understanding and explanation of various phenomena. In all ancient sciences, the methods adapted to increase understanding or knowledge base, are mainly experiential, observational and inferential. In the process of development of knowledge the perspective regarding a scientific concept or criteria of classification may change based on the logical interpretations and experimental evidences. Ayurveda is no exception to the rule where the knowledge has developed according to the above-mentioned system prevalent in those areas. Thus in order to get an unbiased view of concepts of research in Ayurveda, it is a must to understand its background circumstances and situations.
If we compare the process of development of research methods and associated activities of oriental sciences then we find a few difference. Till the seventeenth century the perspective towards development of knowledge was holistic the world over. There was no need for separation or systemization of knowledge in a different way than the existing. But then the industrial revolution changed the traditional thought process in the west; with redefining concepts and introduction of methods of systematization; which was accepted in all fields, barring or rearranging of old principles, did not break the continuity of the understanding; instead of changed principles opened up new ways and dimensions that gave human race new tools and techniques [4].
A careful analysis of Ayurveda treatises reveals that there is a comprehensive approach regarding research along with research processes discernible in different categories according to expected focus or direction of thought, within a frame of reference. The broad categories, objectives and methodology to conduct research with a particular focus are as follows:
ΓΆΒ?ΒΆ Clinical research
ΓΆΒ?ΒΆ Drug research
ΓΆΒ?ΒΆ Literary research
ΓΆΒ?ΒΆ Epidemiological
ΓΆΒ?ΒΆ Fundamental
Though, gradually the Ayurveda scholars are showing interest in writing research papers and evidence based documentations but couples of thirst areas are laying remain untouched for producing evidence based documents, such as – Setting up a standard protocol for Ayurveda herb’s Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic (PK) is branch of Pharmacology which deals with “What Body does to the Drug”? The term – VIPAKA denotes very vast meaning which explain to the digestion, Assimilation, Metabolism, Absorption and Bio-transformation up to the cellular level of ingested drug or food. Along with it, Novel drug delivery approach may help to understand the Ayurvedic theory of mechanism of action of a drug. Reverse pharmacology concept is also helpful to understand the “Mode and Mechanism of Action of a Drug”. Another thirst area of research is the Threat of Superbug, Fibromyalgia, Ayur-genomics, Role of nano technology in Ayurveda drug’s formulation – especially Rasamedicines, etc.
I hope, the current issue is enriched with various researches comprising articles from all around of Ayurveda and Homeopathy, which is a unique feature of JHAM. We hope that this issue will help all the recipients to enrich their knowledge of Ayurveda and Homeopathy to contribute to the science. May this knowledge enlighten the candle of wisdom and remove the darkness of ignorance.


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