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Science of the New Times: A Circle Not a Line

Akbar Nikkhah*
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran.
Corresponding Author : Akbar Nikkhah
Chief Highly Distinguished Professor
Department of Animal Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
University of Zanjan, Iran
Tel: 0098-241-5152801
Received January 22, 2014; Accepted January 24, 2014, 2014; Published January 26, 2014
Citation: Nikkhah A (2014) Science of the New Times: A Circle Not a Line. Adv Crop Sci Tech 2:e111. doi: 10.4172/2329-8863.1000e111
Copyright: © 2014 Nikkhah A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Science as an ultimate circle consists of theoretical and applied findings and discoveries that can only contribute to forming its trivial core, while the most crucial are insightful surroundings, defined as morality. The upper tree of science glorified with blooming branches of knowledge, particularly over the last few centuries will undergo progressive declines in the strength of its education foundations unless the lower tree receives most-deserving mentorship contemplations. By definition, mentors must replace teachers and commit to generating more qualified educators than themselves. That is a key to preserving an integrated shape for science in the new times. It is also an obligation to optimally reserve what the man has achieved and continues to accomplish [1].
Summing up centuries of contemplation in science and education, it is rational to synthesize that knowledge must be transformed into insights to advance progressively. This transformation enhances in influence increasingly as knowledge advances. For this transformation to occur persistently, education must focus on sufficiently simple but sophisticated inter-group discussions from the very beginning. Science educators must gain distinction in persuading professional confrontational and provoking opinions and view exchange among mentees. Such approaches will allow mentees to envision earlier what educators or mentors have realized later in life, thus offering mentees enormous potential to visualize beyond mentors’ images. Mentors are to replace teachers and welcome and manage challenges from mentees. The challenges play crucial roles in introducing mentees with integrated pathways of scientific development. The resulting pictures will be eagerly prone to revisions as mentees themselves step into the pathway. Such systematic and circular education will strengthen science roots in mentees’ minds and will uphold a sturdy body for science. The feature resembles a tree with its roots, base, major and minor branches, leaves, and fruits the foremost. That is a global perception for science without which all accomplishments would not have lasting power and fertility. The upper tree of science glorified with blooming branches of knowledge will undergo progressive declines in the strength of its education foundations unless the lower tree receives most-deserving mentorship contemplations. What the man has built thus far, and particularly over the last 4 centuries, is being realized that mostly concern the upper tree. As more become discovered, the lower tree must be fortified for more blooming and prolific upcoming generations. The lower tree is concerned with moral commitments to training more qualified upcoming mentors than those of the past and present. This is an obligation for imagining a circle for global science that maintains its evolving trend [2].
Morality is a term that demands to be incessantly refined and interpreted for science to capaciously realize its power of improving life quality. With the tree of science growing as a circle, theoretical and applied findings and discoveries can only contribute to forming a core or the insignificant central point. The surroundings of the core, characterized as morality, are the essentialities securing an integrated circular shape. Without dense environs, the circle would lose its essence and integrity, becoming a straight line. With that central hub being even as infinitesimal as an invisible point, the circle would still be circle. These concepts suggest that science and education would be entirely meaningless without moral elements even if filled with experimental novelties [3].
Education for scientists in the new times should accordingly describe moral responsibilities alongside technical and imaginary skills. Thinkers like Einstein had exemplified in the 20th century that how imagination outshine knowledge. Now, it is globally comprehended that with knowledge rather being relatively uncovered, imagination fueled with morality would be an opening for furthering knowledge. Moral education, thus, is to imagine, form and sustain a science circle that can improve life quality determinedly. This much required perception becomes an obligation as the mounting knowledge gives rise to innovative questions and challenges.
Science pictured as a circle grants human a prospect to envision where to be or not to be. Maintaining an integrated shape for science and technology before and while enriching central cores with experimental novelties in minds and laboratories is crucial to improving human uses of time. It is only with such an image that science can continue to serve life and deserve investing time and brain work. Making the most fruitful education policies necessitates conceptual appreciation of the moral constituents of science as a circle. This shape would be an ultimate and easy pathway to move onward in the new times [4].


  1. value="1" id="Reference_Titile_Link">Alberts B (2009) Redefining science education. Science. 323: 437.

  2. value="2" id="Reference_Titile_Link">DeHaan RL (2011) Teaching creative science thinking. Science 334:1499-1500.

  3. value="3" id="Reference_Titile_Link">Nikkhah A (2011) Elite Science Education Arts of the New Millennium. Lap Lambert Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8473-2335-8.

  4. value="4" id="Reference_Titile_Link">Nikkhah M (2011) Optimizing academic education: philosophies for creative quality lives. Creative Education 2: 458-460.

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