The following is the list of scholars from Federal University of Parana who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Arildo José Braz de Oliveira
Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior
Dr. Lirane Carneiro-Suliano
Haroldo A Ponte
Heinz Roland Jakobi
Izabel Riegel Vidotti
Julio Cesar Bassan
Karina Scurupa Machado
Lirane Carneiro-Suliano
Luciane B Moreira
Maria Celia Jamur
Maria Paula Carlini
Priscila Bacarin Hermann
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Federal University of Parana that are published in OMICS International journals.
- Otolaryngology: Open Access
Time for Complete Vocal Recovery in Voice Professionals Undergoing Polyp Surgery
Guilherme Simas do Amaral Catani, Rosana Yurika de Freitas Kondo, Evaldo Dacheux de Macedo Filho and Caroline Fernandes Rimoli
Research Article : Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2017, 7:331
- Environment Pollution and Climate Change
Distribution and Characterization of Sex Hormones in Sediment and Removal Estimate by Sewage Treatment Plant in South Brazil
Karina Scurupa Machado, Julio Cesar R Azevedo, Maria Cristina Borba Braga, Paulo AL Ferreira and Rubens Figueira
Research Article : Environ Pollut Climate Change 2017, 1:2
- Otolaryngology: Open Access
Allergic Rhinitis does Exist in Young Children
Herberto Chong Neto,Nelson Augusto Rosario Filho*
Commentary : Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2017, 7:286
- Environment Pollution and Climate Change
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Heavy Metals Contamination in Recent Sediments from Barigui River Basin, South Brazil
Karina Scurupa Machado, Paulo AI Ferreira, Juliane Rizzi, Rubens Figueira and Sandro Froehner
Research Article : Environ Pollut Climate Change 2016, 1:1
- Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change
Effect of the Little Ice Age on Climate and Vegetation Recorded byn-Alkanes and Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraether Proxies
Machadoa KS* and Froehnerb S
Research Article : J Earth Sci Clim Change 2016, 7: 331
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from Federal University of Parana that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
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