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Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Administrating Oral Paracetamol Suspension in Sprague Dawley Rats

Maryam IU, Aliya S, Thant Z, Swethadri JKM, Nordin S and Atif AB*

Department of Medicine, Molecular Medicine, Biomedical Center, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author:
Atif Amin Baig
Molecular Medicine, Biomedical Center
Faculty of Medicine, Malaysia
Tel: +6096275587

Received Date: April 27, 2015; Accepted Date: April 29, 2015; Published Date: April 30, 2015

Citation: Maryam IU, Aliya S, Thant Z, Swethadri JKM, Nordin S, et, al. (2015) Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Administrating Oral Paracetamol Suspension in Sprague Dawley Rats. Interdiscip J Microinflammation 3:I105. doi: 10.4172/2381-8727.1000I105

Copyright: © 2015 Atif AB, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The anti edenic effect of paracetamol was observed in two groups of rats; untreated (n=11) and treated with oral paracetamol (15 mg/kg) for total of 21 days. The ear edema was induced using croton oil. The comparative analysis was recorded as a mean of difference between the weights of the ears (mean weight of edema, g) and percentage edema inhibition (89% for paracetamol). The paracetamol suspension was found to decrease edema and congestion beside its analgesic effects in our rat groups.


Figure 1: Section taken from external ear of the rat treated with paracetamol shows a fibro-collagenous tissue lined by stratified squamous epithelium. The hair follicles and sebaceous glands can be appreciated with areas of adipose tissue. A: Hair follicles, B: Stratified squamous epithelium, C: Sebaceous glands, D: Blood vessels.


Figure 2: The section taken from untreated rat ear, that shows a tissue lined by stratified squamous epithelium with scattered areas of adipose tissue, congested blood vessels and mild edema in the connective tissue. A: Stratified squamous epithelium, B: Adipose tissue, C: Congested blood vessel, D: Fibrocollagenous tissue.

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